Sunday, May 22, 2005

OMG, It's Like...Spring!

This is the second day we've had actual spring-like weather. Two days. In a row.

Be still my beating heart!

Yesterday, after doing my FlyLady routines, I worked outside. While my dh cut the back forty, I planted our 'garden'. Mind you, I no longer put in a full-sized garden with tons of vegetables planted with meticulous, organic-gardening care. Nope, I've gone to container gardening. Oh, I still do the organic-thing, mostly. But now I concentrate on three half-barrels with the basic ingredient of one tomato plant in each barrel. I've got a Beefsteak, an Early Girl and a Cherry Tomato. There is nothing so good as a fresh tomato still warmed by the sun! Nothing!

Last year, the tomatoes had a variety of herbs nestled in the barrel with them. I could have supplied an Italian restaurant for a year with the basil and parsley. In fact, I still have a lot of those herbs in my freeze (yes, you can freeze the herbs though I also dry them). This year, the tomatoes get marigolds as their barrel mates. Why marigolds? Because they're good for the soil. And the tomatoes like them. And they're pretty. Need I say more?

I also planted some decorative flowers in my one small gate flower box. There are purple, yellow and white pansies, dusty millers, a spike plant, a gorgeous meadow sage with flowering purple spikes, and, of course, a couple of the marigolds (I bought a flat of the little darlings since dh loves them so much.) But I have a few plants left over that I think I'll put in the area designated as my 'hummingbird' garden.

I just started that particular garden last year but it didn't do very well. Only one plant (and I can't even remember the name of the thing) came back. The leftover pansies and coleus will look very good there. I may even put a few marigolds there...after all, I did buy a flat of them, lol.

Yes, spring is here finally. Thank God!

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