Friday, April 01, 2011

Happy April Fool's Day! - Contest Now Closed

April is my favorite month of the year. Seriously. Yes, my birthday is in April but that's not the reason (though birthday gifts are a big plus ;-D) April also offers the return of mild or warmer weather, budding flowers and trees, birdsong, longer days, SUNSHINE! By the time April rolls around, I am ready for all of that and more. I"m ready to start working on my garden, both the decorative flower garden and the vegetable garden. I start planning what I want to grow and how I'll use it.

But aside from all that fabulous stuff, April is also home to one of the most light-hearted holidays -April Fool's Day. I seem to always get caught by at least one simple little prank (plastic dog poo or vomit doesn't do it anymore but I fall for others fast). This year, I've got my eye on a little retaliation.


1) Put a piece of bubblewrap under the toilet seat so when your victim sits, they are surprised by a loud POP! (Definitely doing this one!)

2) Find an old bottle of nail polish that you don't want anymore. Unscrew the cap and set it sideways on a piece of waxed paper, letting the contents flow out into a puddle. When it dries completely, peel it off of the paper. Now you can put it anywhere and trick someone into thinking there is spilled nail polish. Works best on something your victim cherishes or on one of their important documents!

3) Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach back to see if they ripped their pants. One of the original classic April Fool's pranks of all time!

Now, if pranks and jokes aren't your thing, stop by Star-Crossed Romance and check out my review of Merely Magic by Patricia Rice

and Skylar has an interesting post on Rejection and how it affects her writing as well as her passion for walking/running to raise money for cancer awareness/treatments.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the day!

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