Monday, April 15, 2013

WriterUniv - Blurbing Your Book

Blurbing Your Book
by Laurie Schnebly Campbell
May 6-31, 2013
$35 ($40 by check) at

You’ve seen online listings that made you buy immediately, knowing you wanted that book for sure. You’ve seen others that told you “don’t want this one” and others that left you lukewarm. While nobody can (or should) write listings that attract readers looking for a whole different type of book, writing blurbs that turn browsers into buyers is easy to do...with the techniques from this hands-on class. With personal feedback on every homework assignment, you’ll learn about:

* Identifying your target audience and USPs
* Creating mid-length, longer, and shorter blurbs
* Discovering which elements will most attract your readers
* What you can learn from your competitors
* When awards and quotes matter, and when they don’t
* Whose opinion matters when judging the next draft
* How to choose (and maximize) the most intriguing details

Laurie Schnebly Campbell ( works in advertising, where her job is to convince buyers they’ll love a particular product. She’s spent years writing about products that people might not even think of buying -- until they come across a message which makes ‘em realize “yes, THIS is what I want!” She’s always pleased, but not surprised, when people who’ve taken this class report increased sales with their new-and-improved blurbs.

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