Monday, August 08, 2005

RWA Brouhaha

Well, having finally caught up with my email, I'm sorry to say that once again RWA has made the gossip pages and angered a number of its members in the process. I didn't attend the Award Ceremony, due to the food poisoning, but apparently Nora Roberts declined to emcee the event after she viewed the script. She thought not enough time was spent honoring the Award winners and too much time was spent on past world tragedies. I've heard other comments that the winners were hustled off the stage too quickly for them to even thank 'their mothers' :-)

While I agree the Awards Ceremony needs to be revised (I don't think it was appropriate to have a 'history' lesson, either) I am reminded of when I finaled for the GH. During the rehearsals for the ceremony, each of us finalists were cautioned--repeatedly--about taking too long thanking our moms, dads, husbands, kids, family pets, etc. We were advised to have a short speech prepared just in case we did win. A very short speech.

I don't think any winner had a speech less than three minutes (mine would have been but then I didn't get a chance to say it :-) ) Even though the winners had tears of joy clogging their voices, most of them were allowed to finish their speech. If they weren't allowed to do this at this year's ceremony...well, Nora was right.

RWA needs to remember WHO this ceremony is for and WHY we have it.

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